

Monthly subscription


  • Over 3000 active deals

  • Minimum EBITDA/CF $500,000+

  • 4 weekly excel based deal flow

  • Deals updated daily and sent out once a week via email

  • Month to month subscription

  • No contract

  • X5deals never asks for any referral or transaction fees

  • 100% privacy. Excel based deal flow.

Annual subscription

$3000/year ( $250/m)

  • Everything in monthly subscription plan but with annual package discount.

  • Monthly trending valuation multiples included ($99/m value)

Use “20x” to get 20% off of annual subscription plans (200/m)


Always Free

  • Unlimited deal posting

  • Post one deal at a time or email us a list of deals and we will post them for you

  • X5deals never asks for referral or transaction fees

  • only receive serious inquires

  • Buyers contact you directly

  • List only goes out to paying qualified buyers